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Historic District Commission Meeting Minutes03/03/2009
Historic District Commission
Land Use Meeting Room
March 3, 2009

Members present:  Chair Ken Fowler, KF; Kate McNulty-Vaughan, KM-V; Elaine Steinert, ES; Jason Berger, JB; and Jim Harwood, JH

Merritt 2004 LP, Demolition at 100 Church Street, Map 43 Parcel 86. Continued from Feb. 3, 2009.

KF recused himself citing that he is a friend of the Merritt family and that he sold the property to Mr. Merritt several years ago.   JB assumed the position as Chair.

Suzanne Pelton and Ellie Geller of the Historical Commission were in attendance.

JH advised the Commissioners that at the last meeting he stated that he felt this structure was worth saving and in response Mr. Merritt suggested he make a reasonable offer.  JH has spoken to the Town Counsel regarding his interest in the property and Town Counsel has said that he felt that it would be a conflict of interest for JH to continue to sit in on this hearing.  JH recused himself.

Presenting the application were Mr. Merritt and Robert Harrison, an architect and principal with Harrison Design Associates. Mr. Harrison stated that he had been engaged by Mr. Merritt to review the condition of building with the expressed desire that Mr. Harrison come to the conclusion the building should be demolished.  Mr. Harrison said that he would not take the job unless he independently came to the conclusion that the building should be demolished.  Mr. Harrison listed his qualifications as a former board member of the Berkshire County Historical Society; former commissioner of the Pittsfield Historical Commission and currently the architect of record for the restoration of Ventfort Hall.   Mr. Harrison said that he has won a preservation award from Massachusetts Historic Commission for design work and restoration work at Ventfort Hall.  Mr. Harrison gave the commissioners copies of his report explaining his conclusion that the building should be demolished.

Mr. Harrison reviewed his report with the Commission.

The Commission would like to do further research, in particular to find out if there is precedence and if the building is historically significant.  They have asked for Mr. Merritt to give a written plan to the Commission regarding his future plans and to grant another extension.

ES made a motion to continue this hearing to March 17, 2009 at 5:30 pm and KM-V seconded the motion.  The Commission voted to agree 3-0.
JH and KF returned to participate in the meeting.

Suzanne Pelton, Historical Commission: Date Plaques for Historic Buildings Rescheduled from Feb. 17, 2009.  Ms. Pelton was not prepared to make her presentation and has asked to be rescheduled for the March 17, 2009 meeting.  

Minutes of February 3, 2009: (Feb. 17 meeting was cancelled) JH made a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  JB seconded the motion and the Commission voted to approve 5-0.

Violations (follow up)
1.      Anthony Gallo: A written response to the HDC, dated February 16, 2009, has been received from the Building Inspector, Bill Thornton, regarding property owned by Anthony Gallo located at 17 Franklin Street, Map 43 and Parcel 83.  (At its February 3rd meeting, the HDC inquired of the status of a violation the HDC reported to Mr. Thornton in late November 2008.  Mr. Thornton subsequently notified Mr. Gallo on December 3, 2008.)    In the letter of Feb. 16, Mr. Thornton advised the HDC that Mr. Gallo met with him in mid January to ask if the roof could be left in place until the weather warms enough to rid the roof and side yard of all of the ice.  Permission was given, but Mr. Gallo was advised that he must get approval from the HDC before he could apply for a building permit.  

2.      Village Inn:  A copy of a letter dated February 16, 2009 from the Building Inspector to Ms. Soto, owner of The Village Inn, has been submitted to the HDC.  The HDC had notified Mr. Thornton that the property owners had been given permission for two signs, but three signs have been erected.  In Mr. Thornton’s letter to Ms. Soto she was advised that this is in violation of the Town of Lenox Zoning Bylaw and that she should contact the HDC.  

KF received a call from Billy Soto of Village Inn.   The previous owner had three signs for three separate businesses and Mr. Soto has three separate buildings.  Mr. Soto had applied to the HDC for two signs but three were installed.  He will submit another application for the third sign.

Kristine Sprague contacted KF regarding Mr. and Mrs. Haythorne’s plans to build a garage at property located at 9 Cliffwood St.   The garage will be 175 feet off of the road and the HDC’s control extends back to 150 feet.  Ms. Sprague will submit plans.  

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola